Friday, August 13, 2010

Look, Mom - no cavities!

I feel the need to brag a little bit. I had my six-month dental cleaning yesterday and had no cavities. But what's really impressive is that I've NEVER had a cavity. Not one. No fillings either.
Which means that if I can make it to my next cleaning in six months cavity-free, I can proudly claim to have no cavities at age thirty, ahem, twenty-nine. I consider that a pretty impressive feat! But do you think cavities are inevitable? I mean, how long can this continue, right?

From age seven to sixteen, I had some kind of metal in my mouth at all times. My teeth were a real train wreck and needed lots of help. I had expanders, retainers (front and bottom), lip bumpers, head gears (oh so attractive) and braces. I still have a permanent bottom retainer today. I guess I adopted good brushing habits from hearing my orthodontist preach to me enough times about how important it is.

However ... I don't floss. Ever. Gross, I know. There's just something about watching food particles fly out of my mouth and stick to my mirror that makes me cringe. I usually floss the morning of my dental cleaning (like I really expect that to fool them?), and when I'm in the chair I vow to the hygienist that I'll do a better job, but by the next day, I'm over it. The hygienists always comment on what beautiful teeth I have, but when they start the dreaded plaque scraping, my sensitive gums bleed and my whole mouth turns into a horror film.

But if I want to shoot for the Guinness World Record of Oldest Person to be Cavity-Free, then I really need to get serious about this whole flossing thing. Kent flosses almost every night and puts me to shame. Should I tape a reminder to my bathroom mirror? Put floss on my pillow every morning so that I can't go to sleep without flossing? How do you hold yourself accountable for things that you HATE doing?


KrisKay said...

That's great news!

I actually like flossing! I don't do it daily, but it feels so clean every time I do it.

I'm definitely NOT fond of the flying food particles though either, nasty!

Anonymous said...

Jenna! This is Alex, so nice to read you again! I had missed your posts, but I skipped a few days from coming by and now I see you have posted the past few days. I hope everything is going well with you! My life is a current heck because I left office life, hopefully forever, and I will begin teaching this year, 2nd grade bilingual. Glad youre back posting!

Jessica said...

Um...*looks around*...I never floss either. Seriously. And the worst part is that I'm not a regular dentist goer. I KNOW! Awful!

But, after reading this, I can promise you that I'm booking an appointment soon. This is ridiculous and I need to take better care of my teeth!

Jessica said...

lol, I hate the flinging food on the mirror too....hahaa....soooo gross. But I floss semi regularly, I like doing it though, it makes my mouth feel extra clean!

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