Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Post-It Note Tuesday

Here's my first edition of Post-It Note Tuesday. I got this fun idea from Jessica over at This, That and My Blog, and she got the idea from a friend who originally got if from SupahMommy! It's a great way to vent passive agressively or just remind yourself to do something. It's kinda hard to stop once you get started though!


Jessica said...

No one likes a drama queen! Bahahaha. Perfect!

Melissa said...

I agree with the cheese comment. MmmMmmmm..

Anonymous said...

You are so right once you get going you just don't realize how much there is you need to say! Now I need a nap I have been apologizing to way to many inanimate objects this morning. ;)

Melissa said...

I don't feel so bad now... my back is only 34 and is killing me already!!

Shell said...

Mmm, cheese! :)

The Princess of Sarcasm said...

Wait until your back is almost 40 and see how it feels!!! (Not that I know anyone that is almost 40...*tears*)

Oh, and I see that your man works for a company called Schlitterbahn Development Group...any relation to the water park?

Jenn said...

Your last note was my favorite. It reminded me of something I wrote in a yearbook 15 years ago. I loves it!

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

oh lord the panties

what IS IT???


Loni said...

These are awesome! And no kidding about the cell phone, or if you take it, please don't have the radio on so loud you can't hear it, that won't work either!

Jessica said...

I am so glad Bailey doesn't go after my undies!!

Unknown said...

So true, can't stop with the post-it's! But so fun and yours are so funny!

Pam said...

I totally agree with the cheese post it.

I am so glad you liked the pork tenderloin - we thought it was moist and delicious.

CountessLaurie said...

Your posties are awesome. I love the one to your back. Well played!!